She was first. It was Betty Sue who made me a momma. I was just 16 when she was born and three more weren’t too far behind her. Those early days were full and long. Keeping house, working the garden, and keeping up with the little ones was more than a full time job. Betty Sue became a little boss to the next three! She was feisty, she was fun and in many ways it felt like we raised each other! Over the years Betty Sue worked with me a lot with the ranch and entertaining. She was an amazing songwriter, too. She loved people, she loved to cut up and she had fun wherever she was. She had a heart of gold and she thought everyone was important. People nor animals neither one went hungry if Betty Sue knew. She was just good to people—no matter who they were or what they had going on. She loved her little junk shop and visiting with everyone that stopped by.
We talked on the phone every day and saw each other a lot when I was home off the road. It felt like part of my heart died when she left us. I hated seeing her sick, but I didn’t want to let her go. She was more than a daughter; she was a best friend. She’s been gone for nine years and it feels like I haven’t seen her or heard her voice in forever. How I’d love to sit down with her to talk a while, laugh, and sing together just one more time. Betty Sue was 63 when we lost her but that doesn’t matter to a momma. Young or old, no parent should ever have to bury a child. I’ve buried two of mine and there’s no pain like it. Make peace today, forgive each other, slow down and make time for each other, spend time together, say, “I love you”. You always think you have the time until you don’t.
Momma loves and misses you, Betty Sue.